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Home > WaterData > Surface water data

Surface data

The lists below show spatial and time-series surface-related datasets. 


Land Cover Map (CEH)

Released in July 2011, Land Cover Map 2007 (LCM2007) is the latest land cover map to be produced by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. It covers the whole of the UK.

Sensitive Area Maps (EA)

Three datasets from the Environment Agency covering England and Wales showing eutrophic lakes, and eutrophic and nitrates rivers.

Statutory Main River Maps (EA)

Main rivers are watercourses shown on the statutory main river maps held by the Environment Agency and the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (in England) and Natural Resources Wales and the Welsh Assembly Government (in Wales).

Water Management Boundaries (EA)

Environment Agency water management area administrative boundaries at 1:10,000 for England and Wales.

Watercourse Network (CEH)

A continuous centreline network of rivers, canals and field drains for Great Britain. The Centre for Ecology & Hydrology’s 1:50,000 watercourse network was derived from Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 maps and was the first continuous digital river network to be produced for Great Britain.

WFD River and Water Bodies Map (NRW)

A map of the Water Framework Directive rivers and water bodies in Wales. It is part of the Natural Resources Wales Water Watch Wales Map Gallery.

WFD River Catchments Map (NRW)

A map of the Water Framework Directive river catchments for Wales. It is part of the Natural Resources Wales Water Watch Wales Map Gallery.

Time series

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