Are We Planning To Flood? National Flood Forum Conference


How can planners, developers and communities work together to build safer places for the future?

Wednesday 1 February 2017, one day conference & evening reception

Every year thousands of homes, businesses and people are affected by flooding.  At the National Flood Forum we support people living with flood risk and they tell us that one of their main concerns is proposals for development that will increase their flood risk.

Whether it’s new, planned or permitted development, or the threat of flooding from existing new builds, people are worried that their lives will be placed at risk.

Yet with a growing population, an increasing demand for housing, an ageing infrastructure and the effects of climate change, the impact of flooding is likely to increase and with it the human and economic costs.

So, what can we do now to make sure we’re planning and building flood resilient communities for the future?  How can planners, developers and local people work together to ensure that existing and new developments are sustainable – not just today, but in 30 years-time?

Are we planning to flood? will be an opportunity to address these issues.

More information and booking information here

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