
This is the Water Security Knowledge Exchange Portal

The UK’s economic and social well-being will be determined by its ability to stimulate creative thinking that generates innovative new methods, systems and products. Effective partnering between government, industry and the research-base is key to this.

The site is designed to help businesses, policymakers, regulators and others see how the water-related challenges that they face have been addressed, and to assist them in finding the data and researchers that can help them address the water-related challenges of the future.. 

The Water Portal brings together a number of online tools produced by the NERC-funded Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme which has now finished. The website is currently hosted by the James Hutton Institute.


WaterData provides a novel overview of national-scale water-related datasets - both spatial and time-series - that are available for the UK.

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Case Studies

WaterR2B delivers media-rich case studies to demonstrate to industry how water research has helped to solve real-life problems.

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WaterRUK is a directory of more than 1,000 individuals active in water research in the UK, and contains details of large-scale facilities and networks.

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