Groundwater Level Data (BGS)

The National Groundwater Level Archive held by the British Geological Survey records measurements of the depth below the ground surface of the water table, or its height above sea level across 181 sites in the UK.

Groundwater levels depend on aquifer properties, local geological conditions and a complex balance between recharge from rainfall, and discharges to rivers or pumped abstraction.

The data can be used to quantify resources, to understand the flow of groundwater and to measure the impacts of abstraction.

Available datasets:

Groundwater Level Monitoring Sites

Monthly updates of surface water flows and groundwater levels, with a hydrological report.

Further information: BGS Groundwater Level Monitoring Sites

GeoIndex onshore

A map-based browser providing access to index level data — water wells are in the boreholes theme.

Further information: BGS GeoRecords onshore (boreholes)

Data availability: Groundwater level monitoring sites, data can be viewed on screen. Water level data via GeoIndex is available to order.

Charge: No charge for data viewing, but Water level data via GeoIndex is charged per value.

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