Hydrogeological maps at a national scale for England & Wales and Scotland bring basic geological information together with data on the hydraulic and hydrochemical characteristics of the rocks and their usefulness for groundwater supply.
The resulting 23 maps display information on surface water features, the 3D geometry of aquifers, groundwater levels, abstractions and water quality including saline intrusion in varying amounts of detail. They range in scale from 1:625 000 for the national maps of the hydrogeology of England & Wales, and Scotland down to 1:25 000 for some smaller regional maps.
The BGS also hold a limited collection of international hydrogeological maps from all parts of the world.
Available hydrogeological maps
1:625,000 Hydrogeological Digital Maps
The digital hydrogeological map indicates aquifer potential in generalised terms using a threefold division of geological formations:
- those in which intergranular flow in the saturated zone is dominant
- those in which flow is controlled by fissures or discontinuities
- less permeable formations including aquifers concealed at depth beneath covering layers
Highly productive aquifers are distinguished from those that are only of local importance or have no significant groundwater. Within each of these classes the strata are grouped together according to age or lithology.
The 1:625 000 scale data may be used as a guide to the aquifers at a regional or national level, but should not be relied on for local information.
Further information: BGS 1:625,000 Hydrogeological Digital Maps
Scanned Maps
High resolution online scans of printed hydrogeological maps for the whole of the UK are available for easy browsing..
Further information: BGS Hydrogeological scanned maps
BGS has a wide range of datasets and wants to increase access to these by publishing as many as possible under OpenGeoscience. OpenGeoscience is a free service where you can view maps, download data, scans, photos and other information. The services available under Open Geoscience include:
- access to over a million scanned borehole records
- view geology data through the Geology of Britain map window and as WMS
- search and download photos from the GeoScenic geological photo archive
GeoIndex Borehole Maps
Records of boreholes, shafts and wells from all forms of drilling and site investigation work. Some 850 000 records dating back over 200 years and ranging from one to several thousand metres deep. Currently some 50 000 new records are being added to the collection each year. These will be included in GeoIndex each time it is updated.
A small percentage of the borehole records are held 'commercial-in-confidence' for various reasons, and cannot be released without the written permission of the originator. NGRC staff will release the data where this is possible or provide you with the information needed to contact the originator.
A small charge is made per borehole record.
Further information: GeoIndex Borehole Maps
Data availability: Digital data can be viewed or downloaded immediately. Scanned and historical data can be viewed via the highly interactive BGS online viewers.
Charge: The majority of the data described above is available free for commercial, research and public use.