Climate data
The lists below show spatial and time-series climate datasets.
1km Monthly Rainfall Grids (CEH)
1km UK monthly rainfall grids. Data is available for each month from January 1961 to date. The 1km monthly rainfall grids are created through a process of interpolating daily and monthly Met Office raingauge observations.
Rainfall Radar Map Layer (Met Office)
Rainfall radar map layers are available as a single image covering the UK or as a set of tiled images (Web Map Tile Service) to show recent rain rates in mm/hour over the UK.
UK Climate Averages (Met Office)
Providing monthly average data (1981 - 2010) for max and min temperature, sunshine, rainfall, raindays, days of air frost, and mean wind speeds for 283 sites, at regional and UK level.
UKCP09 (Met Office)
Gridded data sets based on surface observations have been generated for a range of climatic variables and may be downloaded by registered users.